
This is my attempt to publish a picture a day in 2010, and occasionally add my musings. I can't promise it'll be interesting, but it serves the purpose of recording my memories for every day of the year.

Wednesday 6 January 2010

Wednesday 6th January: Plain crazy

Welcome to my village of Lindfield!

Well, actually, you can't come in today, it's closed. Again.

As if there wasn't enough snow a couple of weeks ago, down it dumps, ahhh gain.

And the real sting is that those who don't live in the sticks (I know, my choice) don't actually believe you when you say you can't get in to work. Yes, they think you're a liar.

Back at work you end up taking out your phone and showing the pictures to anyone displaying the 'sceptical smirk'. You only took the photos for this very purpose anyway.

"Look how deep it was!" you cry. "Look at the road sign! It says 'Closed', that's how awful it was."

And why is it that snow never looks as deep in the picture?

Smirks turn to pity, and I'm sure I heard someone in the loo talk about 'the crazy snow woman' the other day.

Still, I guess crazy's better than a being liar.

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