
This is my attempt to publish a picture a day in 2010, and occasionally add my musings. I can't promise it'll be interesting, but it serves the purpose of recording my memories for every day of the year.

Monday 25 January 2010

Monday 25th January: What anger looks like

So, I was on my way home and, because I'd had a busy day in meetings, I was catching up with emails on the train.

There was one that popped up that made me simmer with rage, and one which, by the time I'd got off the train and started walking to the car, had me boiling over.

I'm sure a lot of it was just the nature of emails in that people write things that they'd never say to your face. But why not? Surely if you write it, you mean it, therefore you can say it?

So as I walked, no make that stomped, to the car, I was already planning the response in my head. I think I was talking out loud at one stage so I must have looked a right sight with feet pounding, lips muttering and lots of head shaking.

The only thing was, I had to wait before I could compile the email as I had to get to the pool for training.

They say exercise can take your mind off things. Like hell it can. All the way through each of the sets, I was wording the email response. During a 100m set, during the kick set, and during the swim down.

When I got out of the pool I just wanted to get home and type, no make that bang, my fingers on the keyboard.

Now, with email response written and ready to be sent when I get in the office in the morning, I feel calm. Yes, it might be the wine I JUST HAD to have, but I sense that it's actually the therapy of 'getting it all out' in the email. Well, a tailored edit anyway.

And writing this blog has made me feel much better still (although I'm now half a glass down on the wine), so I'm resolved that this blog is a good thing. It might be hard to find a picture, and it might be a bind feeling I have to write something every day; but once I have written it, I feel great.

Just as well when I have 340 more entries to write ...

Ps, the picture came from a website I found after typing in 'What does anger look like' in Google images, it's not me, although it very well could be.

For anyone else who gets hit by the angry stick every now and again, try this:
What you can do if you feel angry
It didn't do anything for me, but I have my blog now, perhaps it should include that in its advice?

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