
This is my attempt to publish a picture a day in 2010, and occasionally add my musings. I can't promise it'll be interesting, but it serves the purpose of recording my memories for every day of the year.

Wednesday, 27 January 2010

Wednesday 27th January: Back in the black

As I was walking along Oxford Street on my way home tonight, there was a stark reminder that, despite the government declaring yesterday that we're no longer in a recession, there's still a long way to go.

We are still to face increasing taxes and a rise in interest rates at some stage, but the barometer I love is related to fashion, or in this case, lipstick.

The "lipstick index" theory states that sales of lipstick go up in hard times as women dump buying their designer outfits and reach for the lippy as a cheap treat.

Now we're out of the red (and I'm not talking lipstick now), make up sales look set to dwindle while the more expensive treats will see a return.

That should bring a smile back to our faces, just don't forget the lippy.

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