
This is my attempt to publish a picture a day in 2010, and occasionally add my musings. I can't promise it'll be interesting, but it serves the purpose of recording my memories for every day of the year.

Monday, 8 February 2010

Monday 8th February: Cordoba's Mezquita

Heading out of Malaga to Cordoba as I've never been and I really wanted to see the Mezquita, which has both Christian and Muslim influences. The architecture is most definitely Muslin, but the iconography and stained glass windows are very much Christian.

When reading about Cordoba's history, it implies a world where Muslims, Jews and Christians lived side by side and interacted with each other. However, before I got carried away with a belief that perhaps one day people could all live together, whatever religion or race, the same book pointed out that this actually wasn't the case in medieval Cordoba and in fact, much like the world today, the city brimming with racial and class-based tension.

Despite this, you can't deny the sheer beauty of the Mezquita. The arches, so ubiquitous across Islamic architecture, are beautiful; and the mosaics, so colourful and orderly, it's easy to lose yourself. But the marble floors make it so cold, there's only so long you can stay inside before you wonder if your nose is going to fall off.

More exploring tomorrow ...

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