
This is my attempt to publish a picture a day in 2010, and occasionally add my musings. I can't promise it'll be interesting, but it serves the purpose of recording my memories for every day of the year.

Friday, 31 December 2010

Friday 31st December: New Year's eve in Cusco

One of the craziest New Year's I've ever had. In the UK, when we have a firework display, the whole firework area is cordoned off, health and safety is the priority etc. Here, there were people letting off fireworks anywhere and everywhere.

We arrived at the square and saw an open space in front of us. Being the tourists, we took a photo of ourselves to capture the evening. BANG! A firework was let off right behind us - we were standing where everyone was setting off the fireworks, doh!

At times it felt like a war zone and I was shielding my head most of the evening. One woman in front of us, a tourist of course, let off a rocket sideways instead of in the air, how it missed anyone I don't know.

Crazy, crazy, but great fun.

Not a bad picture to end my blog ... one final farewell post to come.

Thursday, 30 December 2010

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

Wednesday 29th December: Ninos hotel, Cusco

From the uncivilised world of Loki Hostal to the almost Greek-looking refinement of Ninos Hotel. We spent four nights here and it was lovely, one of the highlights from our trip in fact.

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Tuesday 28th December: We finally arrive!

After a long, long time travelling, including three flights, we finally arrive in Cusco to an uninviting sky.

Our taxi from the hostal (Loki Hostal), didn't turn up, which should have been a warning to us that we shouldn't go to the hostal.

Turns out that the hostal is the biggest party place in Cusco and our room was outside of the bar - with the music playing until 1.30am. Not great when you've only had a few hours kip in two days.

The next day we asked if it was a one-off party, but no, apparently it's like that every night. Perfect for those young things out on the pull every night, not so great when 'oldies' like us want a good night sleep.

We quickly moved on to a hotel, which was lovely ... as you'll see from Wednesday's photo.

Monday, 27 December 2010

Monday 27th December: Enroute to Peru

Will have to update the last five days of the year when I get back from South America - at least I won't be struggling for pictures there! Although Monday 27th will be interesting as I'm in a plane for the whole day, let's hope there are some good movies to keep me going ...

Updated ... here's a picture of us on Miami beach, killing time (eight hours) before our flight to Lima.

Sunday 26th December: Boxing Day fun

Playing with the dawg on Boxing Day morning, and in the snow too! Looks like he's being very obedient too, perhaps he's wondering why I've got a hunchback?

Saturday, 25 December 2010

Saturday 25th December: Christmas at the Hartland's

Here are the Hartlands, minus my brother, on Christmas morning, looking a little blurry eyed it has to be said.

Merry Christmas!

Friday, 24 December 2010

Friday 24th December: What a romantic!

Sometimes, just sometimes, him indoors does something right. While usually I'd vomit on spot at something so ridiculously soppy, I think the Christmas spirit is alive in me and this made me smile.

But, as Newton well know, for every action there is an opposite and equal reaction - he's sure to do something wrong in five minutes' time! Bless.

Thursday, 23 December 2010

Thursday 23rd December: Packing for South America!

Just in case we have to get to Heathrow from home on the 27th, we've had to pack our bags for South America today! Have never packed for a holiday so far in advance, I don't like it!

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Wednesday 22nd December: Last-minute shopping

Unsurprisingly, Oxford Street was packed with shoppers getting their last-minute pressies, and I was one of them! I think I'm done - woohoo!

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Tuesday 21st December: Christmas comes early

Christmas gifts from Sarah and Jenny - thank you!

Monday, 20 December 2010

Monday 20th December: Starbucks, mmm

On way back at lunch with my first 'Red Cup' coffee - and it went down a treat when temperatures are well below freezing!

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Sunday 19th December: 'Snow sucks'

Yes, it certainly does.

Saturday, 18 December 2010

Saturday 18th December: More bloody snow!

Snow, snow, go away, come back another sodding day (but please not for Christmas as I want to get home and then fly to Peru). Thank you.

Friday, 17 December 2010

Friday 17th December: Mini Shopaholic

Thank you, Sophie Kinsella, for bringing out another book in the Shopaholic series, and for getting me through the train journey home on Friday night ...

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Thursday 16th December: Xmas party photos

It's always with trepidation that you look at a link of photos someone sends you from the night before ... but no disgraces, how dull.

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

Wednesday 15th December: Getting ready for the big night

The gals getting their hair done for the Debenhams Christmas party courtesy of the girls at Aussie hair - thank you!

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Tuesday 14th December: Team lunch

Walking back from the content team lunch - we just had to take a picture of Jenny's tights, she was just like one of Santa's little helpers - fab!

Monday, 13 December 2010

Monday 13th December: X Factor winner!

Glad to say that Matt won the X Factor ahead of Rebecca - but just what am I going to do next Saturday?

Might actually have to talk to him on the sofa, blimey.

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Saturday 11th December: Fat Face philosophy

It's not every day you go into a changing room and get hit by some thought-provoking philosophy, unless of course you're trying to justify something you really don't need: 'I was just meant to find X today; it's fate that I buy it,' or, 'Buy one get one free - well that's got to be a bargain!'

But in Fat Face in Haywards Heath I was there trying something on for our travels to South America in a few weeks' time and, on the floor, was the label in the picture.

Now I don't know who I might have been, or indeed who I want to be (does anyone?), but it was strange it appeared on that floor at that time when I have been going through a bit of a think about certain aspects of my life.

I still don't have any answers though, so I'm hoping the next changing room I go in will guide me!

Friday, 10 December 2010

Friday 10th December: Office Xmas party at the ... er ... office

At debenhams.com we like to do it in style, so we have our Chistmas office party, in the office. Lots of bottles of free cheap wine later and it's a disaster zone ...

Thursday, 9 December 2010

Thursday 9th December: Desk decs

Getting our desk ready for the desk decoration competition. Our theme - Christmas number ones. I'm sure we'll win on originality alone.

Wednesday, 8 December 2010

Wednesday 8th December: Me, my Umbrella and me Mum

This picture wasn't taken today, but I found it in my phone and remember loving it at the tie, but must have chosen another image for my blog.

So, in want of a decent picture today and with none forthcoming (how Shakespearean does that sound?!), I've posted this one.

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Monday, 6 December 2010

Monday 6th December: Christmas comes early

Thanks Ken for the team Santas - delicious!

Sunday, 5 December 2010

Sunday 5th December: C'ann'dle light

I've had this candle years; my Mum gave it to me one year. It's one of those things that I thought I never wanted to light as it would be a shame. But I found it upstairs and just thought that it's whole purpose of being, was to be lit and enjoyed (philosophical huh?!).

So it's been lit for the last few days while I've done some work, and it's been really peaceful.

That was until Mark hollered down from upstairs wondering if the house was on fire as he could smell burning. Still, there was peace and enjoyment for a few minutes!

Saturday, 4 December 2010

Saturday 4th November: And one more ...

... just i case we don't get any more snow over the next few months, plus, not much happened today that was worthy of a better photo!

Friday, 3 December 2010

Friday 3rd December: And yet another snow pic ...

As I walked to the local shop to get supplies ...

Thursday, 2 December 2010

Wednesday, 1 December 2010

Wednesday 1st December: Walking to work ...

After a fair bit of snow overnight, I thought I'd better head to work early in case there were any train problems. What was I thinking? Of course there were train problems!

I left the house at 6.20am and returned at 11am. The train didn't make it more than a few miles before it had to turn round and come back again.

So much for that effort, it lost me three hours work time!

Tuesday, 30 November 2010

Monday, 29 November 2010

Monday 29th November: Five a day

Here's one novel way to get people to eat one of their five a day - offer a free apple! Or, if you're really cheeky, take five and you're done for the day.

Courtesy of the Angel Pub near Ferndown, Dorset.

Sunday, 28 November 2010

Sunday 28th November: More insulating!

Back to my bro's after a lovely night at Lisa and Dave's to see bump and have good gnosh - as always. We both come away, as always, feeling very inadequate on the kitchen front - one day we will learn to cook. Perhaps one day, we'll even freeze some stock!

So, back in the garage for another LONG afternoon and evening measuring, cutting, a bit of shouting, and putting up insulation.

When we got to Mark's folks for the night, we could barely keep or eyes open. I'm not sure if this hurt more than that the 10km did!

Saturday, 27 November 2010

Saturday 27th November: An open fire

After being out in the garage at my brother's most of the afternoon helping him insulate the place, there's nothing more welcome than an open fire when you get inside. And very Christmasy too, crikey, it's not that far away!

Friday, 26 November 2010

Friday 26th November: Bags of fun!

Thanks Mum and Dad for my GORGEOUS birthday present!!!!!! A jade poppy hobo Mulberry bag (faulty of course, I'm not that good a daughter!).

Thursday, 25 November 2010

Thursday 25th November: My birthday ... at the O2!

How chuffed was I when I was told we were heading to the O2 for my birthday surprise?! Uh, very! As soon as Mark said: "We're going to the O2," I squealed. For I had already spent some time earlier in the day checking out what was going on in all the key venues in London, and I knew the Tennis ATP Tour Finals were at the O2!

It could have been a concert (which I'm never that enthusiastic about, boring I know), or perhaps ice skating at Somerset House. All would have been fine, of course. But I LOVE watching tennis so the boy did good.

And we were four rows from the front - more brownie points for him indoors!


Wednesday, 24 November 2010

Wednesday 24th November: Early birthday cake

Sarah's early birthday cake for me - ahhh, bless her x

Tuesday, 23 November 2010

Tuesday 23rd November: The Coach Makers for lunch

Tiny picture as I had to grab this one off t'internet as I forgot to take one at lunch.

Lovely Sarah organised a small birthday lunch for me before my few days off. She's a legend; love her. Thank you!

Monday, 22 November 2010

Monday 22nd November: The day after

I was actually thinking last night when we got home from the 10km run and the swimming competition, that I didn't feel too bad at all. Yes I was a bit sore and stiff, but I actually felt good, energised.

Perhaps I can do a 10km after just six runs training, and perhaps I am fit enough to do a swimming competition afterwards.

And then I woke up this morning ...

It wasn't even sore muscles, that I could have handled. Instead I woke up feeling like I had flu: aching muscles, foggy tiredness and the oh so need to call in sick.

Alas, I'm not one of those 'calls-in-sick' people so I battled on and managed to dress myself in comfy attire.

Feeling like death warmed up, I got through the day thanks to some Ibuprofen and crawled into bed straight after dinner.

Perhaps I wasn't as fit as I thought, and perhaps doing the run and the swim wasn't such a good idea after all ...

Sunday, 21 November 2010

Sunday 21st November: 10km ... followed be a swim

A day of complete madness ... first to Brighton for the Brookes 10km run. Having done six training runs in preparation for this, I was actually really chuffed to cross the line in 46.05mins. But, did it hurt. And that was from the 6km mark. Four kilometres of pain.

The, put some warm clothes on, down some lunch and a hot chocolate, and it was off to Aldershot to swim in the Inter Counties.

Five 50m sprint relays later, and that was it. I'd had it.

Needless to say I slept well ... and I can safely say I won't be repeating the double again!

Saturday, 20 November 2010

Friday, 19 November 2010

Friday 19th November: Physio

Another trip to the physio and proof that shopping really is bad for you. I went to Debenhams to look at a coat for my Mum, and while on the phone to hear, I tried to try it on to see what size to get her.

One creaked back later and I was off to physio given that I have a 10k run on Sunday morning followed by a swimming competition in the afternoon!

Thursday, 18 November 2010

Thursday 18th November: Learning Spanish ... again

South America in five weeks' time - it's time to start learning Spanish again!

Tengo que aprender lo! Does that even make sense?!

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Wednesday 17th November: Trashy mag time

Courtesy of my neighbour Jo - thanks! Now just to climb into that hot bath ...

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Monday, 15 November 2010

Sunday, 14 November 2010

Saturday, 13 November 2010

Friday, 12 November 2010