
This is my attempt to publish a picture a day in 2010, and occasionally add my musings. I can't promise it'll be interesting, but it serves the purpose of recording my memories for every day of the year.

Sunday 1 August 2010

Wednesday 28th July: My injured car

Had to post this picture up even though it didn't actually happen today. Last Thursday we were heading back to Somerset and had to stop at the service station for a 'convenience break'. I thought if I stayed in the car, it was less likely to get hit. So when Mark came back, I went off to the loo.

Having both relieved ourselves, we were just about to set off when some absolute dickhead caught the back end of his car on the back of my car when trying to drive into the space next to me. Idiot.

So I have now spent this week trying to sort it all out, despite it not being my fault, and today the garage assessed the damage (hence today's picture!). Lucikly there's not too much damage, but because it's a strange ebony/dark purple colour, they will have to blend some paint. So the chances of it being the same colour are slim.

And the moral is ... don't have a pee in a service station, trying and do it out the window when you're driving along. Or get a nappy.

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