
This is my attempt to publish a picture a day in 2010, and occasionally add my musings. I can't promise it'll be interesting, but it serves the purpose of recording my memories for every day of the year.

Sunday, 27 December 2009

Sunday 27th December: Dogs

There's no other way to put this: I really want a dog. In this picture is Sam, my mum and dad's dog, who is loyal, lovable and large. I don't think there is anyone else, on a daily basis anyway, who greets you like a long-lost soul.

They reduce your stress levels and get you out walking; for some there is no better cure of ill health than this.

For that reason alone I think dogs should be available via prescription on the NHS - anyone else want to join me signing a petition?!


Saturday, 26 December 2009

Friday 25th December: Christmas day 2009

I love Christmas: you eat a lot, you unwrap loads of pressies, and you drink too much. But hell, I'd rather organise Gordon Brown's diary than organise the time spent trying to see mine and my boyfriend's family.

Yet it's all worth it when you get the presents right and you make someone happy. It's the best feeling in the world and despite Christmas being a royal pain in the backside, the smiles more than make up for it.

Merry Christmas everyone, hope you had a good one.

Thursday, 24 December 2009

Thursday 24th June: Schumacher's return

Schumacher is back, it's been confirmed. What was a possibility earlier this year, is going to happen in 2010, and I can't wait.

Love him or hate him, and despite that chin, the guy's got pulling power. Having been an avid fan of F1 for 15 years now, since Schuey's departure at the end of 2006 I've sometimes forgotten there's a race on, despite our two British drivers 'running the show'.

I like Button, I've still got his Williams cap when he started out in F1, and even worked for his management company for a while, but Schumacher he isn't. The guy was ruthless (who else would almost push his brother into a wall on the last lap at Monaco, just for seventh place?), he was arrogant, and he took out our dear Damon Hill in Australia.

But boy, he was exciting to watch. He even did what no driver has done since - overtake.
Button is cleaner, yes, but he's got a lot to learn if he wants to match Schuey's seven.

Looks like he'll now be able to learn from the master once again. But will he be looking ahead at Schuey's exhaust, or looking in his mirrors?

Roll on March ...

Wednesday, 23 December 2009

Wednesday 23rd December: My Christmas tree

An ode to my Christmas tree:

Oh Christmas tree, how bright thee shine,
I look at you and think: 'You can't be thine';
Your baubles dangle, your lights divine,
How I wish you were there all the time.

But where are the presents, thou should guard?
Not one in sight, not even a card;
That stingy ***tard, how could he forget,
Santa Claus, this you'll regret.

Yet, Christmas is for giving, so I am told,
and I know Santa will be here, despite being old;
And I will thank him for his presents, I will,
But if he doesn't get me what I want, I'll head for the hills.

So, Christmas tree, thank you for being here,
Your memory, I'll hold dear;
But next year, if you don't mind the bind,
Please deliver what I want, if you'd be so kind.

Tuesday, 22 December 2009

Tuesday 22nd December: Pride & Prejudice

Sorry to all you non-Classics lovers out there, but before you click the 'Close' button, this is a tribute to Elizabeth Bennett. And for those who thought I was going to talk about Mr Darcy emerging from the lake in all his glory, you'd best click the 'Close' button now.

I was asked today who my heroines were and Elizabeth Bennett came to mind.

I love the fact Lizzie wasn't going to settle for the life mapped out before her. Could you imagine being married to Mr Collins? Yeuggh!

There may not be a Darcy around the corner (I'm lucky, I've found mine), but I'd rather wait for that just-got-out-the-lake moment than settle for a life less ordinary.

Thank you Elizabeth Bennett for defying the norm. I salute you.

Monday, 21 December 2009

Monday 21st December: Our naga chilli - one of the hottest in the world

When the man in the pub handed us a little chilli plant (yes, it sounds a bit dodgy I know), he told us it was a Dorset Naga - the hottest chilli in the world (confirmed by the Guinness Book of Records in 2007).

The 'little' plant has now taken over our spare room and, given that it's nearly as tall as I am (or at least it was before we gave it a haircut at the weekend), I'm a bit miffed that it's only produced four scabby-looking chillies.

Haven't tried one yet, but given that my normal curry is a balti, I'll be sure to post a picture of me eating the end of one so you can have a laugh.

Find out more about the Dorset Naga

Grow your own

Sunday, 20 December 2009

Sunday 20th December: All about 'My picture of the day 2010'

Towards the end of every year I look ahead to the next and have a think about what I want to achieve. While this includes my professional life, it is mainly geared towards my personal life and how I want to spend my free time. Often it results in a course (I'm a renowned course taker among my friends: Spanish, private detective, massage …), but for 2010 the one thing that has inspired me are my memories.

Recently my mum and dad brought up a box of my things from their house. Every time they visit they sneak in a box as they try and get rid of mine and my brother's 'crap'.

As I opened the box and got a waft of dusty oldness, I saw a pile of notebooks that had been taped up. Two, non-taped notebooks gave away the contents - old diaries. Peeling back the cripsy, damp-ridden pages, I read about my life as a teenager and recalled all those boy crushes and petty fights with friends. I'd forgotten most of them and it was wonderful to journey back to that time and live it again.

Since school I've dabbled in diaries: my 10 months in Canada after uni in 1999/2000 was reason enough to keep one, but since then it's been something I've started, but never continued. I know a lot about every January each year, but after February, nothing.

So, when the snow dumped this week, December 2009, I got to thinking (yes, I've always longed to be columnist Carrie Bradshaw), wouldn't it be great if I documented my life in 2010 with a picture a day, so I've got those memories forever, or at least until the next big thing replaces the internet and I lose it all!

I still adore paper and books and their feel and smell, so I will also print my daily picture and stick it in a notebook, but living in the time of blogs and social networks, I thought I should share what I'm doing, and maybe inspire someone else to set up a blog and use it how they want to.

If you have any comments, or your own picture of the day you'd like to share, let me know. I'm kicking this off in 2009 (hell, I need the next couple of weeks to set this up and get it right!), but officially it starts 1 January 2010.

And today's picture? Me with my mum and dad, as they were the ones who inspired me to do this when they brought up my box - thank you!

Here's to an inspirational 2010 to you all.