
This is my attempt to publish a picture a day in 2010, and occasionally add my musings. I can't promise it'll be interesting, but it serves the purpose of recording my memories for every day of the year.

Thursday 30 September 2010

Thursday 30th September: A dodgy photo

Mark and Sim stretching out after training, but from this angle it looks like they're doing a bit more than stretching ;-)

Wednesday 29 September 2010

Tuesday 28 September 2010

Tuesday 28th September: More cake

Another picture of cake/food I'm afraid. It was a bad day at work again, and only cake could help.

Monday 27 September 2010

Monday 27th September: More horses

I posted a similar image to this before on my blog, but if I'd posted how I really feel today, it wouldn't have been very interesting and I don't really want to remember it. Suffice to say it was a hard hard day at work, and a very late one too.

Sunday 26 September 2010

Sunday 26th September: Dogs coming up for air

It's quite difficult to see in the picture, but there were two huge dogs with their heads stuck outside each of the windows at the back. Made me smile.

Saturday 25 September 2010

Saturday 25th September: Lunch in Brighton

I love driving through Brighton on a Saturday with all the cool people hanging out and having lunch. Needless to say, we weren't one of them :)

Friday 24 September 2010

Friday 24th September: Beauty shoot

And here we are (day four of the video shoots) filming the beauty videos. Can't wait to see the end product.

Thursday 23 September 2010

Thursday 23rd September: Lingerie shoot

Filming our guy's guide to buying lingerie - it's gonna be great!

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Wednesday 22nd September: A good deed

A couple of weeks ago one Saturday morning I was in a real hurry in town and ran past a dropped wallet. As I strode past (note the use of 'strode' rather than 'stomped'), my thought process was on overdrive. I knew I had to go back and pick up the wallet, but I was also late for an appointment.

As I came to a dramatic halt (think of steam coming of the back of my feet), I walked back and picked up the wallet.

A couple of hours later I was in the police station to drop it off. I felt like a criminal. I don't think they get people hand in wallets very often, I presume they get picked at like a chicken carcass and then thrown in the bin when there's nothing decent left.

I left my name and address and thought nothing more of it.

Until this morning, when I had this note and a £5 arrive in the post. A thank you from the owner of the wallet.

Shame he wasn't one of the millionaires in Sussex, but it's £5 nonetheless and a lovely gesture.

So if you see a wallet in the street, pick it up and maybe you'll get a reward too.

Tuesday 21 September 2010

Tuesday 21st September: Filming our videos

Day 2 of our week-long video shoots - today our womenswear trend videos. Stunning location, great models and a creative production team. Looking forward to the final edit!

Monday 20 September 2010

Monday 20th September: The X Factor magazine?

I have no shame in admitting that I love the X Factor, at the moment (or at least until Spooks returns tonight), it's the only thing I actually watch on TV.

But I'm staggered to see that they've brought out the X Factor magazine! And it seems it's not just while the show's on, it's an annual thing!

I'll be sticking to the show, but I did have a peek at the freebie they handed out at the tube today.

Sunday 19 September 2010

Sunday 19th September: Home-made vomit?

This was my attempt at Heston's latest Waitrose recipe - check out what it should look like.

I've got a lot to learn ...

Saturday 18 September 2010

Saturday 18th September: Christmas already

So it seems that Christmas has arrived in September this year, or at least it has for Sainsbury's.

Friday 17 September 2010

Friday 17th September: What a week

This sums up what I've been waiting for all week ... time to de-stress. What a week.

Thursday 16th September: My Zara order

My experience of the new Zara website hasn't been great. I decided, given that I work just up the road from a Zara store, that I would use their Collect from Store delivery option. 'Why don't you just shop in the store?' I hear you cry. Because they've usually sold out of your size in store, that's why.

I turned up at the store and they couldn't find my parcel. I waited, and waited. Missed a train. Missed life passing by.

When they handed over a shoe-size box, my face fell. For some reason, I'm not sure what, I didn't think there were eight items of clothes in there.

Anyway, when I finally got home, I was placated. When I took off the horrible plastic cover, I found a branded box and the clothes wrapped in tissue paper.

If it's all about (box) presentation, Zara has won me over; if it's about service, they don't.

Wednesday 15th September: A welcome home present

Mum and Dad left this morning and I returned home to find these flowers - and I really needed them after a bad day at work. Sad to see them (and Sam the dog!) go; the place is quiet without them.

Tuesday 14th September: He's packed his bags ...

... he's ready to go. Mark is off again, this time to Atlanta :(

Monday 13th September: Don't make a mountain ...

So we went for a walk yesterday in a regular spot of ours in Balcombe and saw a load of mole hills. With our neighbours playing jokes on us often enough (see what they did when we went away for a wedding), we thought it'd be fun to take the soil that the moles had dug up in Balcombe, and create two 'mole hills' in next door's garden.

I'm sure they'll realise it's us, whether they tell us or not I don't know. I hope so, if they don't, it means they know, and we're in for a shock of our own ...

Sunday 12 September 2010

Sunday 12th September: To Brighton

I took Mum & Dad to Brighton and for a long walk along the seafront, although I actually think we walked just as far round all the shops :)

Mum and I couldn't resist taken a photo of the unused deck chairs, such a seaside snap, love it.

Saturday 11 September 2010

Saturday 11th September: Mum & Dad's first curry

We took Mum & Dad for their first ever curry at Nizam in Haywards Heath. Needless to say, we picked all the mild ones from the menu! They even enjoyed it, and I don't think they were being polite either. Poppadom anyone?

Friday 10 September 2010

Friday 10th September: Dave & Lisa

Dave and Lisa with their babies ...

Thursday 9 September 2010

Thursday 9th September: Ben de Lisi SS11 press show

Out with the film crew at the Ben de Lisi Spring/Summer catwalk launch at the Haymarket Hotel in Piccadilly.

I've got my eye on several pieces from the collection, feels strange to be looking at Spring/Summer collections when all the shops are now starting to sell Autumn/Winter clothing. It's very unsettling!

Wednesday 8 September 2010

Wednesday 8th September: A mad Mark

Picture says it all - I have to live with that, every day!

Life's never dull, though!

Tuesday 7th September: Pub quiz

After 10 days in India, you'd just want to collapse in bed - but not Mark, no, he wanted to go to the pub.

Suited me, of course, but then when we arrived, there just happened to be a pub quiz on! Ever up for a competition, we entered the first two rounds, the second just happened to be the music round.

I think I got three songs, the rest were Mark's alone, and he got most of them within one second! Don't know how he does it, a freak of nature obviously.

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Monday 6th September: Thank goodness for Sensodyne

Ouch bloomin' ouch - thank you Sensodyne, not sure what I would have done without you. Bloody bleach.

Sunday 5th September: Ally McBeal

You either loved her or hated her, and I definitely fall into the 'love her' camp.

I've had my eye on the Ally McBeal box set for some time, and came across it on sale in HMV yesterday.

So today, with the man still away, I had a very rare 'TV night' and simply sat on the sofa and watched about six episodes.

The Ooga-Chaka hasn't made an appearance yet - looking foward to it as I love that song - 'Hooked on a Feeling'.

Pure laziness, how guilty do I feel?!

Saturday 4th September: Brighton delights

You can always guarantee something a bit different when you walk around Brighton. And so it was today when I happened upon these guys.

Everyone was all very British though - keeping their distance and politely clapping. Come on people, show some enthusiasm!

Friday 3 September 2010

Friday 3rd September: That's more like it

England's first match for the Euro 2012 qualifier ...

Thursday 2nd September: Definitely not a steak

Ok, so I may be able to eat meat when I want at the moment, which means there should really be no excuse for having these ... noodles. Slapped wrist. Tasted disgusting too.

Wednesday 1 September 2010

Wednesday 1st September: There are pubs ...

... and there are pubs! Wandering around Victoria trying to find a decent bar and we end up on Wilton Street - which apparently has a good selection of nice bars - alas we couldn't find any and ended up in this place! Needless to say it wasn't particularly 'buzzing', but we had a good time nonetheless.

Thanks Paulo, and good to see you!