It sounds easy.
It really wasn't.
The number of times I got to the evening each day and had forgotten to take a picture that day ... I thought I would have remembered given that it was over a year, but it was easy to forget. Hence the number of pictures featuring my dinner :-)
I always found Monday the hardest, maybe it was just a reflection of my mood; Mondays are always hard on a number of counts.
It was also really difficult trying to publish a picture on the same day, just because of time really. I ended up uploading everything for the week, usually on Sundays.
But what I'm left with is an image diary for the year, which in some ways is better than a written log. Just looking back through the pictures now I remember exactly where I was, and in many cases what I was feeling.
I'd love to do it again this year just for the pictorial memories, but once was enough!
Farewell blog, I'll look back with fondness, and relief that I don't have to do it any more!